Our Feeder Primary Schools - Click on the Badge's to find out more!
St John's Cathedral Primary School
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
St Swithun's Catholic Primary School
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
St Mary's Catholic Primary School
Our Parishes - Click on the Photo's to find out more!
St John's Catholic Cathedral, Portsmouth
Our Lady of Lourdes and St Swithun's
Sacred Heart (Fareham & Portchester)
St Mary's and St Columba's (Gosport)
Students from St Edmund's currently preparing for their Confirmation at St John's Cathedral were visited by Bishop Philip. During the visit he gave a talk on what is means to be holy and the importance of receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit when being confirmed. The Bishop was then presented with a gift on behalf of Fr. Nishan, Catechists and all the Candidates. At the end of the visit, he blessed all the candidates and their parents. After this, he stayed to speak to the candidates and parents over refreshments and chatted about confirmation names.
Mr Maguire
Pupil Recognition
Our warmest congratulations go to Gleb Lang, a Year 11 pupil at St Edmund’s School, Portsmouth, who has been announced as the winner of the 2022 Catholic Young Writer Award, sponsored by the Catholic Union Charitable Trust. Gleb was tasked with writing about the Eucharist, focusing on the words of St John Paul II on his visit to Britain in 1982. The competition was open to all Roman Catholics in Britain aged 11-16 and all pupils in years 8-12 at UK RC secondary schools.
Other Links - Bamenda
During Year 8 RE lessons, students take time to learn about our twin school St John Paul II, in Bamenda. The students learn about the issues and injustices that their students face in the midst of civil war. The students then identify why as a school it is our duty to support those students through reflecting upon the Gospel values and teachings. Students present their work by creating a leaflet on Bamenda and how as a school we can raise funds to best support them. These leaflets are then entered into a competition between all Year 8 tutor groups and a prize is then awarded. Mr. Maguire
Dear Mrs Fleming,
I'm writing to acknowledge receipt today of a cheque for £626 for Bamenda funds.
Please say a very big "thank you" on behalf of the Portsmouth Bamenda Committee to the Year 8 pupils for their hard work and generosity in raising such a huge amount for the benefit of their fellow students in Bamenda ; as requested this money will be used for the benefit of the John Paul 2 Secondary School.
Other Links - Flame
Students from Year 9 - 11 are attending Flame - the largest gathering in the UK of young Catholics. We have previously attended Flame in 2014 and again in 2019. Having attended myself on the last trip, I cannot express how wonderful the experience was. We had a number of inspirational talks and impressive musical acts to enjoy as well as the opportunity to visit a number of stands advertising different vocations and opportunities to be a Catholic in action, sharing and practicing the Catholic social teachings.
At this event, I experienced what I believe to be the most spiritual moment of my life in which I sang Amazing Grace with 8000 other Catholics before falling into complete silence for Adoration.
The 10 students I am taking this year, along with myself and Miss Jones are all very excited to get to experience this event. We will get to see musicians such as Guvna B and Faith Child as well as speakers such as Cardinal Tagle and Robert Bilott (The inspiration behind the film Dark Water).
The theme of Flame 2023 takes the WYD Scripture “Mary arose and went with haste” and crystallises it into the them, “Rise Up!”. Rise up after the pandemic, Rise up as young Catholics, Rise up – as Mary did – for the surprising and beautiful adventure that is our Catholic faith.
Miss Playle
Other Links - Catenians
We work closely with the Catenians. They partly sponsored students attending the ‘Flame’ youth events over the years as well as our Catenian Badge of kindness, awarded to students at the end of the academic year for continually showing kindness and fulfilling the criteria to obtain the badge. The Catenians also sponsored this beautiful plaque which forms part of our Prayer Stations around the school. We run a Catenian Public Speaking competition each year in school.
Catenian Public Speaking competition 24
I had a great time competing in and winning the Speaking Competition since it gave me a chance to hone my writing and public speaking skills while also taking in other people's presentations. My favourite part of competing was definitely the competition itself; it was so satisfying to know that you made it through the heats and semi-finals, and winning was the cherry on top. Anyone who wants to strengthen their writing talents, develop their public speaking ability, or simply have a chance at winning the title should definitely participate, in my opinion.
Rowena - Year 10
I'm really glad I entered the Catenian Speaking Competition again this year. Everyone did really well, and as usual, it was really nice to hear all sorts of topics be brought to light through everyone's presentations. It's always a great experience, and seeing everyone with the courage to stand up in front of the audience and speak about their passions was quite inspiring!
Robert - Year 11