'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

Head Girl & Deputy Appointments for 2024-2025

Address by the Head Girls and Head Boy

 St Edmund's is a community orientated 'Outstanding' Catholic School in central Portsmouth.  From Year 7 to Year 11, with a range of extra-curricular activities from sport to music.  It is a school which caters to people from every walk of life with all sorts of interests.   Enthusiastic teaching and interesting lessons, combined with the pastoral network, provide the ideal environment for growth, development, and ultimately excellent GCSE grades. 

We hope you find the information on the website useful and if you have any questions left unanswered please don't hesitate to contact the school or come and talk to us if you are a pupil.

Prefect Expectations

  • Be kind and show respect to everyone equally with no discrimination, prejudice or bias, Mathew 7:12 'Do to others as you would have them do to you'.
  • Always work in the best interest of the school and the people in it, reflecting our purpose in improving the standards of our school.
  • Follow all rules to the best of your ability.
  • Don't involve yourself in things that don'e emulate the character, spirit or principles of our school and its ethos such as fights, disruptions, gossiping and lying.
  • Make sure to speak to people in a way that is open, joyful and uplifting so that they feel welcomed and comfortable in your presence - Proverbs 18:22 'The tongue has the power of life and death' - your words can either build someone up, benefiting them or be hurtful to them so be mindful of what you say and how you say it.
  • Always act as an ambassador and role model of the school on and off the premises, such as talking to students and teachers in a respectful manner as an example for others to follow.
  • In order to avoid actions that are out of conduct, reflect on the reasons why you applied to be in the team, reviewing your application, to make sure that the behaviour you are showing reflects the reasons you applied and communicates how well you do your job.
  • Ensure that the Uniform Policy is strictly adhered to and worn presentably.
  • Prioritise prefect duties inside of school hours as well as after school activities, seeking every opportunity to assist where you can.
  • Try your best to be punctual to events, and ensure to give advanced notice to the prefect team out of courtesy if you cannot make it, so that a cover can be arranged.
  • Report any serious issues to the prefect team to be evaluated.
  • Make sure to leave the prefect room tidy as well as the rest of the school environment, just as you would like to find it.
  • In order for this collaboration to work effectively full participation of each member of the prefect team is required. If for any reason these standards are not met, suitable replacements can be found.

Senior Prefect Team & Captains 2024-2025