'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

School Uniform Policy

School uniform creates a sense of belonging and gives us a clear identity to unite behind, which we can then promote pride in. This pride helps us raise standards. The staff and governors of the school believe that wearing a uniform helps to raise both standards in academic work and behaviour. It also increases our presence in the community. An information booklet in the form of a 'School Uniform Guide' is available to parents and provides further details relating to School Uniform.

KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) Uniform Policy

KS4 (Years 10 to 11) Uniform Policy

Friends of St Edmunds PTA, Uniform Exchange Mission

Established in September 2022, the Uniform Exchange’s mission is to provide nearly new school uniform, PE Kits and other school essentials to any St Edmund’s Student.

This project encourages students as well as families to consider the needs of others and the environment. This project highlights the social implications of disguarding good school uniforms to landfill, when others are able to make use of it.

Families are encouraged to donate any uniform to St Edmund’s Catholic School Reception, where it is organised by a dedicated team of PTA volunteers, for in school uniform sales. Any surplus uniform is then redistributed to other Portsmouth based charities.

The Uniform Exchange also offers a ‘Swap Shop’ option whereby you are able to swap a like for like item for a different size.  Please follow our Facebook page for dates on the next uniform sale.

Follow our Facebook page: Friends of St Edmunds Catholic School 

For more information, or dates of our next meeting,

email: friendsofstedmunds@saintedmunds.org.uk



There are NO exceptions to the requirements.

School uniform should be worn smartly. Shirts should be tucked in, buttons done up to the neck. All uniform should be clean and tidy, and in good repair.


Hair and Make-Up

A reminder that hair must be kept clean, tidy and of reasonable length. Hairstyles should be appropriate and not contain exaggerated colours, styles or adornments.  No unnatural coloured braiding/weaves/dreadlock braiding beads/metal cuffs or extensions allowed. Braiding should not be worn unless part of culture and if so hair should be the same natural colour throughout. No extensions are permitted.

Hair which is shaven should be no shorter then a grade 1 and equal throughout.  Hair with shaved head designs and undercuts are NOT permitted. 

Make-up, nail varnish, false nails and conspicuous hair dressings are NOT permitted. These are not suitable for school.

Tattoos, including henna tattoos are NOT permitted.


The wearing of all forms of jewellery is NOT permitted. This includes all body/clear/facial piercings. Exceptions are made for a watch and/or crucifix to be worn underneath the shirt. A maximum of one small gold/silver stud earring may be worn in each earlobe. Multiple stretched/bars/dangly earrings are NOT permitted.  Badges are not permitted with the exception of those awarded by the school.



Any confiscated jewellery will be returned at the end of the week. Any confiscated make-up will be returned at the end of the school day.


Water Bottles/Flasks/Drinks

In lessons students must not eat or drink in lesson, except water with the teacher’s permission.
Students are able to bring in a suitable water bottle, which should be appropriate, to school.
Carbonated drinks, cans, energy drinks, open cans, energy drinks or caffeinated drinks are NOT permitted.  
If Bottles or hot flasks are brought in for lunch they must be used sensibly and are NOT permitted in classrooms. 



Plain black shoes with flat heels should be worn. Boots, suede shoes, canvas, Vans/plimsolls or trainer style shoes are not permitted (except trainers for PE). Shoes should be appropriate for school use. This rules out raised heels, casual and fashion shoes. There should be no logos on shoes or other coloured markings.

Uniform Sanctions

Dealing with uniform issues detracts from our core purpose as a school: learning and teaching. Parents/carers are urged to ensure that their child is sent to school in the correct school uniform or they should bring a note into school explaining the reason behind an item of uniform being incorrect i.e. incorrect footwear.

Where uniform rules are broken the school has the right to impose a sanction. Each case is different and could include the following:

  • An initial warning.
  • A phone call or letter to parents.
  • Confiscation of an inappropriate item of clothing i.e. hoodie, nose ring, coat.
  • Working in isolation.
  • Detention.
  • Students may be asked to return home to rectify the problem.
  • In extreme circumstances students may be excluded from school.