Free School Meals Provision
Last update: 2024-11-22
Should any families be impacted by Covid over this term or experience other similar problems please email:
Free School Meals (how to apply for FSM)
Parents or carers of children who are entitled to any of the following benefits are entitled to free school meals:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit only, provided your annual household income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190. Anyone entitled to Working Tax Credit is not entitled to free meals regardless of income
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit, if your earned income was £616.67 or less in your last monthly assessment period, or less than an average of £616.67 a month over the last 2 or 3 monthly assessment periods
If you think you may be entitled to free school meals please continue to complete this form or by clicking on the link below
Click here to apply for Free School Meals (online application form)
Follow the link for more information about free school meals at
Edenred Supermarket Food Vouchers for those who receive Free School Meals
Portsmouth City Council have kindly granted families who are eligible for Free School Meals an e-voucher for the Christmas period for the amount of £50 per eligible student. This will be sent by email to the email address registered at our school from Monday 25th November. PLEASE ALSO KEEP A LOOK OUT IN YOUR JUNK EMAIL INBOX.
It is important that if you have recently changed your email address to which you usually receive the free school meals voucher code please can you inform the school asap by emailing Please state clearly your child's full name and the correct email for the voucher.
Please ensure any change of email is given before the school closes for the Christmas holiday period and no later than Wednesday 18th December.
Some vouchers created previously, have expired because they were not redeemed. Please can you redeem your vouchers as soon as possible. Guidance on how to redeem vouchers is available here:
Unredeemed vouchers will expire 3 months after the date the ecode was delivered to the parent. Once vouchers are redeemed, they are then valid for at least a year, depending on the supermarket, so they do not have to be spent within three months, but they must be redeemed at within three months.
All queries regarding the redeeming of issued FSM vouchers please contact Edenred customer services directly at or call 0333 400 5932. A reminder that vouchers expire after three months if not redeemed.
Please note that low income families who don't qualify for a voucher from school (for example because they have a child who is not registered with a school in Portsmouth, or because their income is over the FSM earnings threshold), will be able to apply to the council for a voucher at
Click here for information on how to apply for a student bus pass from the Portsmouth Local Authority
To ensure we have the correct email address please complete the short online form. Please ensure you use the email address of the Parent/Guardian who will be be redeeming the voucher.
Please click here for the link.
You will be notified by Edenred when the vouchers are ready to be downloaded.