'I can do all things with the help of God who strengthens me.' Philippians (4:13)

  1. News
  2. Latest St Edmund's School News
  3. Open Evening Tuesday 1st October

Open Evening Tuesday 1st October

11 September 2019 (by Lisa Slight (lslight))

Early Closure for students on Open Evening

Re: Open Evening – Tuesday 1st October 2019 (6.00pm – 8.30pm)

 This annual event is an important and busy one in the life of the School.  It is especially relevant to help prospective parents decide if they wish to apply to join the St Edmund’s family.  Last year the school received over 588 applications for 189 places. All staff work very hard on that day and late into the evening to provide a lively and informative occasion for the benefit of prospective pupils and their parents.  No doubt your son or daughter may be among the many pupils who will also contribute to the success of the evening by acting as guides or classroom assistants.

You may already be aware that school will finish early on Tuesday 1st October 2019 (1.00pm) to enable preparations to take place.  On the following day, Wednesday 2nd October 2019, all pupils will be expected to arrive in School for morning registration at 9.30am.   Lessons will begin with Period 2 at 9.45am.  This will provide an opportunity for staff to dismantle displays and re-organise their teaching spaces to receive the pupils. I trust that this arrangement will cause you no inconvenience and I know that we can count upon your support for the success of our Open Evening.


Should you have an issue with childcare, please contact the school reception, as we will be able to supervise a small number of pupils in the LLRC between 8.30-9.30am.